Automate Python Scripts with Cron Jobs on macOS




Are you looking to automate Python scripts on your macOS system? With the help of cron jobs, you can schedule tasks to run at specific times, allowing you to streamline your workflow and improve efficiency. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up cron jobs to run Python scripts automatically.

Step 1: Create Your Python Script

First, create a Python file with your desired script. For example, let’s name it “”. This script can contain any Python code you want to automate.

Step 2: Set Permissions

Next, open Terminal and ensure that the relevant folders have the necessary permissions to access the Python file. This step ensures that the cron job can execute the script.

Step 3: Open Crontab

To open the cron job scheduler, type the following command into Terminal:


crontab -e

This command will open the crontab file in a text editor (such as nano) where you can schedule your cron jobs.

Step 4: Schedule Your Python Script

In the crontab file, add the following line to schedule your Python script to run at regular intervals:


* * * * * /Folder/YourFolder/

Replace “/Folder/YourFolder/” with the path to your Python script. This line tells the system to execute the script every minute, but you can adjust the timing as needed by modifying the values (e.g., “0 * * * *” for every hour).

Step 5: Save and Exit

Once you’ve added the cron job, save the changes and exit the text editor. In nano, you can do this by pressing “Ctrl + X”, then confirming the changes.

Step 6: Test Your Cron Job

Close the Terminal window and wait for the scheduled time. You can test if the cron job is working by adding a test message or command to your Python script and checking if it executes at the specified intervals.


By setting up cron jobs on your macOS system, you can automate the execution of Python scripts, saving time and effort in your daily tasks. Whether it’s running periodic backups, generating reports, or performing system maintenance, cron jobs offer a convenient way to streamline your workflow. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below!

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